From Algae Harvesting to Beer Clarification and Protein Extraction
If you need to separate or purify liquids or remove ultrafine particles, a robust and reliable separator is essential. Huading separators, with centrifugal acceleration exceeding 12,000 g, are versatile solutions for purification and clarification.
When decanter centrifuges reach their performance limits, separators take over. With high speeds, they efficiently handle liquids. Clarifiers (two-phase separators) remove fine solid particles from liquids, while purifying separators (three-phase separators) separate immiscible liquid phases of different densities and remove solids simultaneously.
Each separator consists of a high-speed rotating bowl assembly, a drive mechanism, and a supporting frame structure. Huading separators ensure the quick discharge of unwanted solids without interrupting product feed, allowing continuous solid removal from the bowl. The high centrifugal force and rapid discharge system save both time and energy. The minimum particle size separable depends on the fluid viscosity, density difference between phases, capacity, and the separator design.